Posted on: 25 August, 2007

Author: Gordon Milton

We know that only 5% of network marketers are successful. Over eighty percent of network marketers fail, because they simply won't do the work. That still leaves 15% who fail because they don't understand that 95% percent of their efforts should be directed at effective prospecting. Network Marketing lead generation is the lifeblood of your business. Lead generation in network marketing is the lynch-pin. Without a steady flow of new prospects to offer your opportunity and product to, you won't remain in business for very long. So, what's involved in network marketing lead generation? One source that many people consider, is buying leads, but there are many risks involved with this approach. I have followed this route myself, before and my experience has not been good. I had no idea what adverts were being used and therefore I had no control over the type of people who were responding. Understandably, the company I used felt the need to operate as cost effectively as possible, so there was always pressure to lower the quality. I decided to stop when I found the conversion of the leads from my own campaign was much higher even though each lead was more expensive. I learnt another thing. By running my own campaigns, I could stop and start when I wanted to. Regardless of buying, 20, 50, or 1000 leads from a company, my money was gone at the outset. Newspapers present similar challenges because you pay your money upfront and if your advert doesn't pull, then tough! With newspapers, you need some guidance from your upline. Go upline from your sponsor to their sponsor and further, until you find someone with the necessary experience who will guide you. Remember, your upline, even several levels above you, benefit from your success, so you have a right to their help. The less money you waste the more successful you will be. There are essentially two main areas for generating leads. One is off-line as with newspapers mentioned previously. Many people associate this territory with old-style network marketing such as approaching your family, friends, relatives and work colleagues. Then there is the 3-foot rule, fliers, drop cards, shop cards, car signs and more.  All these work and should definitely be considered for inclusion in your marketing mix, especially if you want to build a business locally. Then there is the the on-line arena for generating leads. Most lead generation on the internet exposes prospects to a lead capture page and many companies provide this for their distributors. However, you still have to get visitors to your lead capture page and this is where advertising is needed. If you've been surfing websites for any length of time, you will be aware of "Ads by Google" that are often seen positioned around the web page. Google adwords is an extremely popular form network marketing lead generation, but it can prove costly for the unwary, very quickly. A similar service with similar challenges is also provided by Yahoo! To this end, you would again be advised to find an upline member who has experience and can guide you. Traffic exchanges are numerous as are safelists. These are networks of members. Many Traffic Exchanges operate on the basis that in exchange for you viewing other members web sites, your site will be shown to other member. The important thing to remember with traffic exchanges and safelists is that most of the members are marketing their own opportunity, product or service and so may only be interested in offers that will help them become more efficient marketers. You may experience poor conversion rates if you are offering another opportunity. With safelists you will be required to read emails which contain links to members websites. Some safelists use a credit system where you earn credits for reading emails. You can then use those credits as currency to send out your emails. Ezines, or online magazines, and newsletters are an excellent advertising media for network marketing lead generation. There are solo ads, top sponsor ads, bottom sponsor ads and then normal adverts. I've mentioned the most effective first and the least effective last and naturally they cost accordingly. Article Marketing is an often over-looked, but extremely effective and powerful method of lead generation. You write an article and you add your details and website address at the end of the article, in what is known as a resource box. You submit your article to article directories. The directories offer your article for reprint in websites, blogs, ezines and newsletters, on condition that your resource box is included. Very soon you can have many thousands of sites displaying the link to your website. This is long-term residual network marketing lead generation, at its best. Source: Free Articles from