Posted on: 24 February, 2016

Author: Jag Cruse

For a newcomer who involves in gardening has lots of preconceived notion about gardening. All those things actually come from various readings and suggestions. The experience in gardening teaches lots of myths and wrong understanding about this hobby. There are lots of information you find in books, internet and from different sources about creating, nurturing and maintaining a wonderful garden landscape. Nevertheless, if not everything but many things are just myths that pay a huge dividend while long-term gardening goal. Gardening is a wonderful hobby, but unlike many other hobbies, there is no simpler way to create things the way you want. You have to go through hard way that is to learn from experiences. Many plants in Melbourne are easy to grow and it is advisable for newcomers to invest time and money to these easy to grow plants like flowers, some succulents in Melbourne and others to earn their mistakes.   Here are a few mistakes and myths that most of the newbies make while involve in this hobby seriously.   Watering in the evening   Watering your lawn in the evening may be a good way to relax after a hectic day in your office, but it is no way conserve water or do any good to your plants. The water in the evening sits on the top of your perfectly manicured lawn and encourages growth lawn fungus and some common diseases of plants. If you continue with this thought that you conserve water and do good to plants by feeding them in the evening, you would probably end up with replacing your whole lawn.   Mowing grass shorter to leave it the way it is   Mowing the whole lot of grass shorter makes your root vulnerable to excessive sunlight and robs it from photosynthesis. Also, it helps to allow weeds to grow and infest your lawn and garden as they capture more light and grow. The grass must be kept long to a minimum level to encourage the process of photosynthesis. Dramatic cutting of plants and grass creates brown patches and unable to grow shoot system.   No need of professional landscaping services   There is a value of experience, and you can’t just deny it. At initial stages many people think they can do it by reading in the internet but growing lush green plants require more than that. Gardening is not any DIY project; it is a serious thing where you nurture with life, and without understanding the fundamentals, which only comes through experience, you can’t grow things as you desire. Consulting a professional landscaper is a good way to do the initial garden improvement. Not only with the plants, but they put garden ornaments in Melbourne at the right places to create more depth to your landscape.   Every landscaping is a great landscaping   This is a potential mistake to think that you create a landscape and it helps to adorn your overall house. On the contrary, an ill-advised landscaping can kill the beauty of your house. The most common danger is to grow unwarranted weed and shrubs. If you don’t know and buy things from your nearest garden center in Melbourne and end up with bushy shrub, or invasive creeper all around your house. It can inhibit your ventilation, trap your attic space, branches can damage your roof, creepers can destroy the wall and lots more damage. This point leads to the above mentioned point of professional landscaping services where you are guided by professionals who can help you initially to understand the fundamental of landscaping.   Source: Free Articles from   William Reynolds is a professional writer who has been working for many journals over the past 20 years writing about different means of gardening including plants in Melbourne, soil and other topics. He is also a consultant for gardening and associated with succulents in Melbourne.